ARGH! I got tagged by Shanna I feel like I've done this before.
So here's the rules as to what I had to do and if you are one of my lucky 7 below then what you are suppose to do.
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Really??? Okay, I'll play...
Kristi's 7 Facts:
1 - I dream of having a spotless, organized house but LOATHE any form of housework.
2 - I really enjoy scrapbooking, but since I can't seem to do my pages chronologically, I only have a few completed albums of my own - my wedding (my first attempt at scrapping), Astros Opening Day 2006 and the mini-albums I posted recently from Savannah. Yes, Caleb is now 5 1/2 and I'm still working on his baby book. Sad.
3 - My living room walls are bare (since we recently repainted it) and it's driving me nuts. I got rid of my old decor and haven't decided what to do yet.
4 - I really want to get veneers on at least my front teeth. Unfortunately, I need to have my jaws fixed first so I can quit grinding. I feel like all of that money my parents spent on orthodontic work has gone to waste.
5 - My headaches seem to have returned to full-force. UGH.
6 - I could eat Mexican food every day. Seriously.
7 - Chris and I have an insane amount of things in common. Besides the whole name thing ("Aww...Chris and Kristi. That's so neat!" - "Yeah, we planned it that way."), we were born the same year - both on the 31st. Me in March and Chris in August (that was also my PaPaw Giggs' birthday)...yes, I'm older. My maiden name also started with a G. Our "Nanny's" both had similar names - Elsie and Delsie. My dad worked at the same prison as his parents at some point. I could go on, but that will bore you.
Okay, since my little "circle" of blogger buddies have all been tagged previously, I'm going to be the party pooper - I won't subject Jan to doing this, too. LOL
Track #2
2 days ago
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