Well, my eye is looking better. The mystery spot is still there, but appears to be fading some. It's not bothering me, getting bigger or anything abnormal, so I haven't had it looked at. My nurse step-mom seemed to agree that is was a blood vessel and that it would take a while to go away. Just thought I would update since several people have asked me about it now.
I got Tessie's baby book done yesterday. I feel a lot better having that checked off of my list. Hopefully I can see her this weekend and deliver it to her.
In other news, Cole is finally back to his normal 148%. That kid just doesn't understand how to chill. We are definitely looking into purchasing a new bed as Cole has decided he much rather sleep in between Mommy and Daddy - sideways. So, we are looking at getting a new bed for ourselves and letting the boys share the bed we currently sleep in. Caleb's twin bed can move back to Cole's room which I plan on converting to the "play room". But, really, who am I kidding? There will still be toys scattered across every square inch of our little house...
We got Caleb signed up for little league this past weekend. Looks like FWLL will be a pretty competitive league. He's playing "mini tee-ball" since he's never participated in organized sports before. They will learn the fundamentals and everyone gets to play every game. Regular tee-ball has try-outs (!) and is full-on competitive. I think we made the better choice for right now. We will find out after the first of February what team he's on and then games start on March 8. Of course, he has his heart set on playing for the "Astros". LOL. One of the coaches we talked to at registration has already sized him up for fall football. Caleb is VERY excited about that and now talks about it more than baseball. One sport at a time, kid...
Track #2
2 days ago
I love your new background!
I love your new background!
Looks like mom has a stuttering problem. She might have forgot she posted the first message.[Old age] With all the sports when will Bubby have time to hang out with pop and learn what is on the other side of the mountian?.
Looks like mom has a stuttering problem. She might have forgot she posted the first message.[Old age] With all the sports when will Bubby have time to hang out with pop and learn what is on the other side of the mountian?.
Looks like mom and I suffer from the same illness,so I had better just keep quite.
I can't believe T-ball has tryouts!! They are only 5!!!
I wish P E had "try outs" when I was in high school. I broke my ring trying to catch a T-ball, only I think I called it , " Here comes THAT ball."
Forgot to sign my name. Margaret If you get any more unsigned, just assume they are from me.
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