Earlier today as I was fixing myself a glass of tea, Caleb came into the kitchen. Being the good southern boy that he is, he asked if he could have some, too. I pulled out some lemon juice to add a little flavor and he asked for some of that, as well. Fast forward about 10 minutes... I'm walking through the living room and Caleb says, "Can you take this tea back and get me some more? I don't like the lemon stuff." I politely reminded him that it was the last of the tea and he had indeed ASKED for the lemon "stuff". I quickly got this as a reply..."Ummm...Mom. Don't you know that we are playing restaurant? But this time you are the chef and I am the CUSTOMER. The CUSTOMER can send stuff back if they don't like it."
Hmmm...no, son, I didn't know...
Track #2
2 days ago
Yes, he is right on that, Although I never send anything back because I'm scared they'll spit in my food!
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