Last Saturday night, we hosted the Second Annual "Family of Friends" Christmas Dinner. (Like the title I finally came up with?) I got up at 7:30 that morning and started cooking. It was a lot of work, but turned out to be a huge success - even if we had to resort to folding chairs to have enough seats. Chris even fried his first turkey. There wasn't a scrap of it left! We had fourteen friends total and had a good time. We are so very blessed to have such wonderful friends. Over the past few years, our group has experienced laughter, celebrations, stress, change, happiness and grief, but every moment of it has brought us closer together. I love every one of them.
I miraculously managed to stay out of all the pictures (being the unofficial photographer helps!), but enjoy the pics...
Daddy Loving on Cole:
John and Julie:
Stefan and Nancy:
Playing games:
Chris and Sharon:
Cutie Christable:
Alain and Sabrina:
Cole and his favorite girl, Nancy (Andrew in background):
Sharon, Nancy, Chris holding Kayla, Stefan and Chris:
And our entertainment for the night, Alain playing the ukelele:
Track #2
2 days ago
It's not a party unless you have to break out the folding chairs!
I agree with Jan. And/or the ukelele. MR
looks like a great party!
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