We got back home late last Sunday to very little damage. We have been without electricity until last night. Thankfully, Chris' mom found a generator for us and we met her half-way to pick it up along with about 125 gallons of gas and 200 pounds of ice. If you know me, I'm not the camping type, so I think I've fulfilled my camping requirements for at least several years. We are still in the process of cleaning up - we lost our back fence and there is a little roof damage over our patio. Now that the lights are on, I can actually see what a mess my house has become in the past week! I thank God daily that we were spared in this storm. We feel totally blessed that our community suffered minimal damage and enjoyed a rare cool front during the time we didn't have electricity. We still won't return to school until the 29th, as several of our campuses within the district had major damage. Please pray for the communities only minutes away from us...Galveston has suffered a tremendous loss.
Track #2
2 days ago
Kristi, I've been thinking about you guys non stop for the last week. I kept telling Steve that I knew you were safe because you had evacuated but I was so worried about what kind of home you would come home to and what that would do to your family. I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief right now, and getting a little teary to finally hear that you're all ok and so is your house.
I drove across Houston(from 35 miles north in Cleveland) today to visit Kristi and the boys and my heart was warmed by the sights of all the workers from across our great states here to restore power, cut down trees, etc. From the freeways 59 North and 45 South to Galveston, damage was not too visible for the most part. Of course, as I got closer to Kristi's (20 miles NW of Galveston) more destruction was evident. But normalcy seems to be slowly returning. Communities working together, neighbors helping neighbors and all the volunteers! I spoke with Jan and she is still without power (she lives close to the loop around Houston)but she and her family are staying with her mother in law(she has power). Her mom and dad just had power restored yesterday (Friday)--they live in Lovelady (about 3 hours NW of Galveston). We have all been blessed! Praise the Lord!
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