Those of you that know Caleb personally know that he can talk your friggin' ear off. It will come as no surprise then that I have a terrible time getting the child to be quiet in order to go to sleep at night. He always has "just one more thing" to tell me or something "super important". You know, like red is is favorite color or that the Autobots beat the Decepticons today. Well, a few nights ago, he had a "very serious question". Uh oh. He wanted to know how Pop built the stairs in his house when there wasn't a second floor to attach them to. Hmmm...the best I could come up with (as I was unsuccessfully trying to get Cole to be still) was that he would have to ask Pop next time he called us from New Mexico. That satisfied him, but he had to clarify that he needed to talk to him first. (In case you are wondering, Pop's response was that Nana had to hold the stairs up for two days so he could start the second floor.)
Tonight brought Round Two of Impossible Questions...he wanted to know just how I got the bones inside his body when he was a baby. I'm telling you, when I'm tired and wrestling a two-year-old monster, I'm just out of creative answers. I just told him that I didn't really know, they were just there when he was born. After a brief pause, he concluded that "mommies must just have bones laying in their tummies and then, before a baby is born, the skin and stuff just grows around them."
I'm praying for his Kindergarten teacher now...she's gonna have a long year...
Getting Caught Up
10 hours ago
I answer most of JR's impossible questions with "That's the way God made it." That seems to satisfy JR since he is usually on to something else and doesn't really care what the answer is anyway...
I answered Jan's questions with, "Go ask your daddy, He knows."
I'm with Jan, just say "God made it that way". and as far as the Pop questions go--you had the best response--because you know Pop, he makes the answer "interesting" and a part of it is the truth.
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